Heartfelt Stories: 5 Incredible Lives Saved by CPR
1. A Father’s Day Miracle Myles, a four-year-old boy, had wandered into the adult pool and was found lifeless by his father. Despite initial attempts at CPR by his father and a friend, it was the quick intervention of two off-duty lifeguards, recently trained in CPR, that saved Myles. They performed chest compressions and rescue breathing, ultimately reviving him. Myles was discharged from the hospital the next day, making it the best Father’s Day gift his family could have ever received. A beautiful story about lives saved by CPR. 2. Golf Course Heroics Ralph Harms, 78, collapsed from cardiac arrest on a golf course. His son Joe, who had learned CPR from Ralph years earlier, immediately began chest compressions while a friend called 911. Ralph’s heart stopped